What Makes a Remarkable Supervisor?

Most people agree that not everyone has the capability to be a surgeon.  Maybe you don’t have stable enough hands or couldn’t get better than a “D” in anatomy to save your life.  And if you didn’t graduate from medical school and practice your craft under the wing of a seasoned colleague, it’s not going…

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How Boasting Benefits Can Win You Top Talent

Finding talented people for your team is critical to the success of your organization.  In this tough labor market, how do you stand out from the crowd of competitors vying for the candidate you want? One easy way is to promote the employee benefits you provide. In the race to post and fill an open…

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Get the Perfect Mentor in 7 Days (Or Less)

HR Consultant in Michigan discussing a recruiting project.

Do you have a goal that would make 2025 a breakthrough year?  Or maybe your goal is something you didn’t get accomplished this year, but you are determined not to let that happen again. One of the quickest ways to make significant strides toward your desired result is to seek the support of someone who…

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Excellent Supervisors Can Make Big Waves and Calm Waters

HR consultants discussing leadership training.

Think about the best supervisor you’ve ever had or worked alongside.  Think about what specifically made them such a good supervisor.  It likely isn’t the person’s knowledge or skill that makes them stand out in your mind, but how they behaved in relation to you. In a past article, What Makes a Remarkable Supervisor?, I…

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