7 Amazingly Simple Ways for Supervisors to Build Trust

I don’t believe that “rah-rah” speeches motivate people.  In my experience, the more effective route is to hire people who are intrinsically motivated to do great work and then do everything possible not to de-motivate them. Few things demotivate people faster than working with a supervisor they don’t trust. Why is trust so important?  When…

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3 Things to Do Today to Prevent Turnover of Your Best Employees

HR consultants in Lansing Michigan celebrating

Employee turnover is a measure of how frequently employees leave a business. Turnover impacts company profitability. There are two predictable employee turnover spikes every year – spring and fall.  With fall just around the corner, now’s a great time to be thinking about how to reduce the amount of employee turnover we experience.

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What Makes a Remarkable Supervisor?

Most people agree that not everyone has the capability to be a surgeon.  Maybe you don’t have stable enough hands or couldn’t get better than a “D” in anatomy to save your life.  And if you didn’t graduate from medical school and practice your craft under the wing of a seasoned colleague, it’s not going…

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